Secret Societies
Dan Brown have a lot of knowledge for secret societies. I read about "Priory of Scions" in "Da Vinci Code". I thought it was just an imagination. However, I was suprised to find out that there are so many webpages on Internet it describe about "Priory of Scions". People used to believe that it really existed. For "Illuminati" describes in "Angles and Demons" also by "Dan Brown", I found different stories on Internet. Dan Brown described it as a societies of scientists who hide from churches as they were afraid of accusing "heresy". Galileo was a member of "Illuminati" and it was founded around 13th Century.
"Heresy" is a serious crime in Middle Ages. The churches in Middle Ages try to oppress their rival by accusing as heretics. "Joan of Arc" was accused as a witch and burn at stake. She was declared as a saint only in 1920s.
"Illuminati" that I found on Internet described about different people around 18th Century.
Famous secret societies around the world is "FreeMason". In my countries, people translate it as "Pa-Shuu-Gaung-Phyat". I could not link those two words. FreeMason was found by mason to share their secret in Middle Ages. I found a tonnes of webpages about FreeMason on Internet.
The most interesting discovery I found out about secret societies on Internet is that there were so many secret societies in Singapore previously. But government tried to get rid of it due to security reasons.
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