
A trivial blog of a bookworm

Monday, September 19, 2005

Who Invent the Internet?

I have recently seen so many arguments on Rockson's Blog about who invented Internet. Some people believe American invented Internet and some people believe European invented Internet. I write this entry to add my two cents on this issue.

I read about this issue in "Angles and Demons" of "Dan Brown" a few months ago. I was surprised by Dan Brown's claim that CERN (Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire) have invented the Internet. As far as I know, I believed that United State Department of Defense invent TCP/IP and idea of Internet. I was curious why CERN claim themselves as an inventor of Internet. I have found out later that CERN have make a major contribution to world wide web (WWW) and Internet we used nowadays.

The main intention of inventing Internet by United States is to have a reliable communication system that can survive in Nuclear War. Internet use packet switching technology which people once scoffed as an idea that can never be happened. Finally, Department of Defense can successfully invented TCP/IP and packet switching technology.

However, CERN contribute so many thing to Internet that we are using currently. URL (Uniform Resource Locator), HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and WWW (World Wide Web) are invented by CERN. So the Internet we used today cannot be that easier without the contribution from CERN.

So I have my own stance on the argument who invent the Internet. TCP/IP was created by United States and World Wide Web was invented by CERN. So the Internet we used today was combination of TCP/IP invented by United States and WWW invented by CERN.

CERN is now called the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It is an international body contributed by 20 European Countries.


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